Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cute animals my wife and I saw on a trip to China - Lijiang, Yunnan

Hello all, My wife, the illustrious Baobei Funky Feng, is a native of China. We went there for a month to introduce me to her family and to experience a bit of the country. We saw a lot, including cute fluffy lovelies!
Here was a cute kitty we saw that a hotel manager had in Lijiang, Yunnan!
Lijiang is a city with a lot of creeks & canals running through it. Here's a dog playing in one of the canals:
At our wedding photo studio, we saw a cat and a dog who loved each other:

Here's a puppy who wanted to attack our photographer's shoes:

Here's a little kid who was playing with a puppy:

Here was a proud warrior dog guarding the entrance to her shop!

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