Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cute animals my wife and I saw on a trip to China - Lijiang, Yunnan

Hello all, My wife, the illustrious Baobei Funky Feng, is a native of China. We went there for a month to introduce me to her family and to experience a bit of the country. We saw a lot, including cute fluffy lovelies!
Here was a cute kitty we saw that a hotel manager had in Lijiang, Yunnan!
Lijiang is a city with a lot of creeks & canals running through it. Here's a dog playing in one of the canals:
At our wedding photo studio, we saw a cat and a dog who loved each other:

Here's a puppy who wanted to attack our photographer's shoes:

Here's a little kid who was playing with a puppy:

Here was a proud warrior dog guarding the entrance to her shop!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Cute Kitty in Tel Aviv

Hey Fluffy lovlies lovers ;P I saw this cute kitty on the way to work yesterday. So many stray cats in Tel Aviv!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Cute kittens on a roof in Tel Aviv

I saw this kitties on a roof in Tel Aviv. They were woken up by some construction and sleepily looked around.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kitty in Akko

Hello all, My wife and I were discussing how the internet simply does not have enough photos of fluffy, lovely, puppies, kitties, etc. I agreed with this axiom wholeheartedly so we have begun our own blogging site on fluffy lovelies. There will be very little text here, just pictures, stolen from the interweb.
This is some original content from Akko: